Before you step out this day Take caution You're gonna see a lot of ways That claim to be the solution Yet only swaying you away Take caution Everyone else is thinking their own way Yet the world is as well filled with notions Claiming 'wisdom' so you have neither say Nor freedom to take the right decision As you return from your day Know that this world hasn't the ultimate satisfaction Something way better awaits So let it be only a contribution To your best life after the end of days. As you let this sink Consider quitting the rat race Or just dont let it be The only race you ever ran.. ..for there is one better That you could actually win. The choice is yours though, Jabbar
Here goes a collection of true life travel stories, travel pictures around places and pieces of personal opinion that most us can relate to. I like traveling places and taking pictures, putting my personal thoughts and opinions down to writing, and sharing real life experiences with the world. Check out this blog, you'll like it I promise.