As I read, so I shall write. The written word has indeed thrived over the centuries. An art that gave the few who harnessed it ranks over men of their nations, from Socrates, to Shakespeare to J.K Rowling, the list is endless. This is indeed one of the most reliable mediums our forefathers have been able to communicate with us. Giving you the feeling of the presence in their past, long gone moments. What other conceivable way have we to make use of that is suitable,...for every edge?
This brings us to this part for as I listen, I shall grasp. Call it oral culture. To date, some societies have clung to this and have nevertheless thrived equally, or even profoundly more than others. Word for word, books like the Quran have been passed down over to generations through a period of more than 1400 years. Earlier, the process of memorizing involved off-head recitation, then later encoded and compiled into the text from which most Muslims of today now pick it. This is one book in which the compromise of even a single letter is not at all permissible. Honestly, would it be of any use encoding that which we do not know by heart. Let's have a deeper look.
Supposing we've been taught some set of experimental chemistry procedures, would it be more reliable to carry the books that contain them every time we need to do the practical work? wouldn't it be better to carry our 2.5 million Gigabyte brains easily to practical work without the need to waste another chunk of time and effort doing it? I suppose the answer is clear enough from the question itself.
With that, let's agree that you can only encode that which you know. You can only encode it best when you know it well enough not to feel the need to encode it. So now, what about the impact of tech?
The speed at which technology is growing is almost immeasurable. It won't be another 365 days before you hear of another sophisticated invention you have never thought of. Going back to our subject, tech has made it much easier to encode information, store it, decipher it, and with now the AI software like CHatgpt that's getting our homework done in a matter of snaps, we seem unstoppable for sure.
Our edge in time has indeed been the most evolutionary when it comes to technology. What more can we say? When Originality is being threatened by AI machines and software, where does this leave us with regard to our main subject here.
Well! Take a deep breath with me, coz nobody ain't shrugging us off to nowhere. Without pre-existing information, these things are clueless. All they do is pick words from you that they've collected from a variety of sources and yourself as you interact with them. We indeed need not worry, A few days ago I dared to chat with Open AI in Luganda which is a local Ugandan language. The thing was dumb as hell. Try it.
This brings me back to the value of originality. At whatever rate we are inventing and coming up with better and faster ways to do things, we need not ignore those things that come naturally to us, simply. Ever wondered who taught you to suckle right after you were given birth? Even your mother may not have a good answer to that.
Conclusively, the beauty and creativity of the originality in the way we encode cannot be underestimated in favor of whatever techniques we've invented to ease life, which in fact turn out to be more sophisticated in their processing.
The power of the spoken word, the feeling of flipping a hard-cover book page or even writing our next friendly mail by hand could be the therapy for what the blindfold of blue light has done to us.