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Rosy Actually Ep.4

                    As she approached the open front door of her apartment she wondered whether they hadn't hurt her mother. Once she got in, she noticed that everything was in place except for the broken vessel in the center of the living room which indicated that there might have been a struggle as Frank's boys made the move. Yet they were so clean. Nothing else was broken or damaged. They likely captured the old woman swiftly without a single soul noticing them. She turned around to examine the door closely. It hadn't a single scratch. Whoever made it in either had a copy of the key  or found it open. But it could never have been open as far as Lucy knows her mother's cautiousness. By now, she would probably be yelling at her for returning late like she had always done since Lucy's late teens. She ran out to examine the courtyard. Whichever vehicle had done this was definitely big as its tyre tracks indicated, And it was most likely not too long ago that the muddy trails from it were still wet too. Lucy couldn't help her tears, she made one mighty scream and then hastily walked in again. First, she got hold of a knife and immediately threw it shakily as it wouldn't help much now, then she swept all the glasses that sat at the kitchen counter to the floor with another mighty scream. Her sandy brown complexion had now turned red with the weeping. This is the most she had wept in her whole lifetime. This tragedy had finally broken her down.

          A couple of hours had gone by and she had looped her playlist again and again. It only had two songs, she had fallen half asleep from the monotonous cadence. 

"No" She suddenly jumped out of the the couch. As it were a nightmare she had jumped out of. Or she just wished it was. Her head ached from the strong whiskey she had drunk herself to sleep with. The sun rays made a blinding reflection from the glass pieces she had broken the night before. They were there. The broken vase, it was still there too. She then ran to her mother's room.

'Mom! Are you there?' She still wasn't there too. She staggeredly walked back to the living room. She sobs and sighs intensifying. Her body was ready to mess up the messed up makeup in her now multi-colored face from the makeup leak. Her hair was crazily messed. Lucy, at this point, was convinced that she had lost everything. Except for Sam Opuku's Old that played from her smartphone from underneath the couch pillows where she had slept the night before. It was one of the looped songs from her 2 songs playlist.

"Bartender, Need one shot of whiskey

2 shots of pain and a dash of some memories

with life lemons I made Lemonade.."

"Life- lemons.." she repeated after the song as if to ask it to sing the line again then she she got up and firmly rushed to her mother's room. She realized she had ignored something unusual the first time she examined her mother's room. There was a lemon in her bed. Though her mom was fond of lemons, she wasn't fond of eating just anywhere. The lemon had a knife through it and it sat on a paper note. Lucy carefully wore some polythene over her hands and carefully pulled out the knife, at least just enough to pick out her note.

'Be nice Lucy

1970, 7th street,Bodlore.

Dont be fishy

you know we can end this.

This was obviously the address where Frank most likely had her mother. For the first time, she was all ready to comply with this hell of a man. If it involved her mother's safety, she could afford to lose her own life. Her mother was her everything. Before she set off to the address, a second thought came to her mind.

'Eugene! He mentioned he'd be visiting Kanak around this time. He could be of help. But no. The man was just another innocent stranger. Besides, they had never really met. She shouldn't be putting him at the front of these affairs. But Lucy had no one really so she decided to dial and weigh her chances on him. 

She rang him several times until he finally picked. 

"Hello, Eugene?" She started with a sigh of relief along with the words.

"Hi Lucy"

Read Episode 5.



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