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Rosy Actually EP.1


               She climbs the stairs to her mother's room where the home printer is. Even though her mother wouldn't mind her much, she decides to tip-toe across the floor to turn the machine on. It's 2 AM in the night. Lucy is nervous and equally excited about the job she is applying for. She presses the printer's power button and witnesses it as it starts to kill her silent entrance.

'I am sorry Mom,' she says as she exhales heavily.

'It's okay sweetie. I was awake anyway. Looks like the printer betrayed you,' said her mother, humorously. 'You know this is the home printer, Lucy. You have full right to it just as I do. Even though it resides in my room'

'But I didn't want to dist -"

'Shhhh, me and your dad know how much this job means to you and we will always have your back sweetie. Now go get some sleep. You have a job to chase tomorrow. These copies will be ready by the hour you get up.

Lucy was speechless. She felt fortunate to have parents that are this encouraging. She could vividly imagine what it's like in other places where women's employment is discouraged, even by their own families. The contrast was almost crystal clear. She felt glad and sorry at the same time. After a few seconds of this subtle gratitude, she just walked over to her mother's bed, kissed her forehead goodnight, and quietly proceeded to the open door. She was obviously speechless. Her mom watched with an empathetic smile as she sat up in her bed. 

She didn't know if she was half asleep or half awake in bed. She was clearly not asleep. She then furiously stretched out her hand and grabbed her mobile to update her new friend on the other side of the globe. She hadn't wanted to tell him until she landed the job but decided to anyway. As she started the subject, the vehemence in her voice was enough for him to know the rest of the story. She was clearly excited about it and he was happy for her. They had only met a few days before.

After about 2 days Eugene received a call from Lucy. She had still hesitated to give him another update on the progress but for some reason, she felt no discomfort in doing so. She stood at the rail of the highest terrace of Tokum Mall, the biggest in her city. She was staring at the distant cars below her in the parking lot. She didn't notice her lengthy silence. Eugene did but chose not to interrupt it. He had interesting updates too but chose to listen first as it's her that had made the call this time around. The silence was starting to feel funny so he broke it.

'Heyyy, what's up ?' he started in a friendly tone.

'The job interview I told you about, it didn't go well.' her tone told Eugene the rest of the story again. Everything from how it could've possibly gone, how frustrating it felt for her, and what was probably going on in her head. "Hahaha, so pissed right now. Idk. We might probably not talk for a few days. I will need you to understand it's because of this. Hahah. 'So what's up over there?

Eugene understood that she only needed him to understand. Her false laughter was her disguise for strength, her "What's up over there?" was to tell him not to mind her anyway. But he wasn't the insensitive one. He'd been in the same position before too so he knew how it did feel. He decided to keep his updates to himself. At least for now. 

Lucy had mindlessly believed it would make no difference if she had told him. She was wrong. Whatever Eugene spoke back to her must have been either saddening or deeply gratifying as she couldn't help the tears rolling down her chicks. She had this phobia for crying in public but she clearly couldn't help herself out of it now.

'Stop, you are gonna make me cry in public.' as if in capital letters, her voice was sharp. 'He must be on a mission to actually make me cry in public", she thought. She caught herself thinking aloud when he replied,

'No, and Yes. You might need to let out some of this bad energy though. The tears are already doing it for you. Appreciate that at least.' said Eugene with a humorous tone. 

She thought for a second that he was making fun of her. 'Is he actually convincing me to cy?" but later acknowledged that she did need a deep breath so she took it and thereafter hung up to escape him. 

 Read Episode 2 of Rosy Actually


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