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 Hull0, Lucy!

Yes? The blur in her vision slowly cleared up as she started to recognize a familiar figure towering over her from the side of her bed.

It was her mother. She couldn't make sense of the situation until she realized she was still in bed. It was 6 a.m. Finally, it was really just another bad dream. She sighed in relief and cleared her eyes.

'Get up. You're going to be late for your interview. One of the companies you applied to just called your phone. I picked up the call. You have to be there by 9 a.m.,' said her mother as she left the room.

Lucy finally jumped out of her cozy bed, took a quick shower, and sat in front of her mirror to rehearse the answers to the list of questions she expected most from the interview, She then did her lucky makeup and put one of her white long-sleeved shirts she that hang in the first section of her closet specially prepared for the interview. She then slid into her sky-blue pants and shiny black heels. This always gave off a confidence-formal-casual aura from her. She had joked about how she feels like aunty whenever she wears this particular pair of pants some days before on a call with Eugene. She didn't have a choice, she had to look this imposing in the face of this job. Whether it liked it or not. She then grabbed her sky-blue handbag, threw her shiny dark hair over the front of her left shoulder, and majestically walked to the dining room. She knows her own way around style and fashion. Hers is a picky one but she always pulls it off.

"You look amazing my dear. Come your breakfast is all set. Her Dad offered.

"I am running late Dad, I will just have a glass of water", as she headed straight for the water dispenser, had her glass as the rest of her sisters joked about how she would be smashing the interview with just her looks without saying a single word. This was one of the times she felt that they meant their joke. She kissed everyone goodbye and her father offered to walk her out. Just before they walked out her mother rushed to give her her blessings.

As they waited for her Taxi beside the street, she told her father that she could then wait on her own as she worried he could tire from standing long. He insisted he'd be the one to see her off. Her taxi finally arrived. She stopped by her friend's as they were going to the same interview and off they went.

A traffic-free hour could take only half an hour to reach their destination but 7 am wasn't that hour so they had to endure all 2 hours of the trip. On arriving, Hundreds of candidates for the 3 open vacancies were lined up in 3 queues. She never expected this. She ended up going 11 hours in her queue. It was finally her turn.

Her interviewer was quite empathetic and chatty. Just enough to cover up her nervousness. She didn't need to talk much as her sisters had joked. Her first impression, blended with her charming and genuine personality was the magic she needed. Once she was done with her written interview, she was assured she had the job. But she was also sure she didn't know how it all happened. After a few minutes of reviewing her performance, the interviewer offered her the job contract and walked her through her job benefits and other formalities. She signed the papers, thanked the gentleman, and dashed out to meet her friend who had been waiting just out of the office. They had both secured the jobs and they were so excited. Only one food was obviously on their mind minds. Some food finally. They had spent the whole day there in queues without a grain of anything to recharge. Besides, now they would get to celebrate within budget, they joked.

' I was so hungry' said Chloe, her friend.

"I know right!" giggled Lucy. they were at Tokum Mal, Lucy's hideout. It was indeed hers truly.

'I am sad though.'

'I know right!' Lucy tried to avoid the subject. They couldn't come to peace with the fact that now they had to work in 2 separate departments but fate had her ways for them and it was better than anything for now. They had been high school classmates and got separated by their time in college. This was their chance to revive their old-time friendship and they still got separated once again. At least they would now be taking the same bus home so it was better.

It was midnight now and they had to make their way back. the streets were starting to get empty of people so they stood at a safe spot by a grocery store which had a security guard to wait on the next bus leaving the city. Once they boarded, Chloe went into a deep sleep as Lucy played with her neighbor's 7-month-old baby who fell in love with her at first sight the whole way back. She needed this. It turned out to be good therapy for them from the long day.

Once she arrived home, she headed straight for bed without sharing an update with the family that had been waiting all night at the dining table. This created an air of mystery but this was her way of unveiling news and she enjoyed it.

The following morning she ended the mystery on the diner table during breakfast and she was shocked no one was really surprised. Turns out her family had learned her ways over the years. They giggled, joked, and roasted her amiably the whole time right until the next meal. The hours seemed to just fly by without them noticing. 

After lunch, she grabbed her mobile to catch up with Eugene and some other friends.


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