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Rosy Actually EP.2

           Lucy does not fancy flirting because she also never catches herself when she actually does. Imelda watched as her friend got drained in the intense dialogue with a guy who had once crushed on her. You could tell that he enjoyed every bit of it. Her voice, blended with how she spoke with her body, told you how much she was into the conversation. She maintained fine eye contact and occasionally lost her breath between words. When she burst into laughter, she didn't even notice that the whole room had eyes on her. The guy couldn't help but stare at her ex-crush's excitement.  

Perhaps she's come to her senses...that I am the one for her, He hoped. The same minute he imagined them going on a long honeymoon. How perfect would that be? Fate must be playing her cards in his favor. He was no longer listening. He could only hear her beautiful voice in the background on her fine portrait giggling and smiling the whole time. 

'Oh Brandon.' exploded Lucy excitedly as she got up to hug this giant of a guy right in front of the man who had long crushed on her. How swiftly she moved from the deep conversation to hugging a random guy in his face puzzled his head off. Imelda watched as Lucy crushed every bit of life that had remained in this man, again and again. Her friend was indeed her Facebook username, DaShePsyhopath. For a minute you would think she is all drowned in love and in a split second you would never really tell if she has feelings. The guy struggled to maintain his composure but you could clearly see the wrinkles running through his forehead like he had grown some 30 years older in this split second. His eyes shined with a thin liquid.

The guy is dying, Imelda noticed. 

"So, where was I?" Lucy resumed as she reclined down on her seat. 

'I think..'

"Oh, it's Eugene ", she interrupted before he could say a word. "I haven't spoken to him in a while. He must be giving up on me. I should assure him I am fine. just a minute." The minutes she ended up on her WhatsApp texting Eugene were unforgivable. She had not even given much attention when the guy finally chose to rise up and leave in frustration but Imelda did watch. He had even glanced back to make sure she at least noticed him get out of the cafeteria but Princess Lucy was so buried in her phone to notice. 

"Hey Frank" Imelda tried to call out to him but he didn't notice, he had never noticed her actually. Even though he was her crush. She always believed the crush would die but she was 9 months into it, and she couldn't help it. Yet he could also never get over his obsession with Lucy.

And now, He couldn't get the name Eugene out of his mind. He was the ideal male version of Lucy's username. Whatever he was going through his head, only God knows how but one thing was for sure. Eugene was to be known, found, and dealt with. Frank had been to prison twice earlier in his teens. Once for breaking into the local police station and stealing files for fun with his clique, once for drug abuse, and the last time for punching a police officer and breaking his nose. Adulthood had later shaped him into a nice gentleman, won him a decent job and rewrote his story. But there was a possible residue of his violent teenage years in his head and even he knew he wouldn't stop himself once he decided to storm at anyone.

Love has done terrible things to even the best of people. What could it possibly do to a psychopath who can't help his obsession?

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