A heavy head from an active Friday night is all you have left. Forgetting your worries and living your fantasies was your reason. Now here you still are, sober enough to remember your bills, your landlord's share from your monthly peanuts and ofcourse, the little one's welfare. You meant to create joy and happiness from it only to end up with bad breath, a terribly intoxicated body and suspicion getting you craving for as many more pills in the name of security and prevention. It must be crazy out there.
I know. It is crazy out there. In every hundred of us, the majority continues to contain this same syndrome. Working like a horse from Monday through the week to Friday, where the party gets started. And then there comes the weekend getting you to sleep like a koala in your would have been most useful time. Hold it.
Now Hold it a bit. Take a deep breath and then you can read on. I got some bitter truths about you on the low you might wanna ponder on.
Don't worry, I won't throw it all on you this once, we'll have weekly bits of this so feel free to check in every week for something new to ponder on. Use this link to subscribe to my blog channel and spread the good news to the friends of your friends too.
We don't have much time, so let's get right into it.
Let me take the first opportunity to greet you, Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you).
We'll be talking about the purpose of life.
What is your purpose of life?
I know, my mind is like, "woah! There comes the big question!".
Here, I want you to go out and ask 10 people the same question. The majority wont have a very definitive answer for you, even the ones you might think might have it all in place.
A random interview of 10 people I recently asked the question found 7 of them stuttering before starting to define their "so called" purpose.
The porpose of life question has become so popular that we deliberately end up forging one for ourselves which in most cases may not be it. The purpose of life idea has been distorted, right from childhood to death, without ever realizing the "so called".
The majority of us have monetized the idea, sticking us to boring jobs or in the end quitting them when we see no pennies flowing in. Think about it. Something is not right, right?
We also like to look at the Elon Musks and their likes wishing and emulating their smallest habits to achieve this Big lie.
Yes, Big lie, it will make sense as you read on. I know what you are thinking already but hold on. Am gonna give you 3 contrasting scenarios for you to relate.
Number 1.
A crown prince, having all his path laid down for him by the king. He has lived to only know that one day he will be king.He later becomes king ofcourse.
Number 2.
An amateur singer, singing everywhere anyhow, without even hopes of being on the big screen oneday. Then suddenly does one day.
Number 3.
There is you, doing nothing with yourself, looking at the singer and the prince. Fantasizing, hoping to be like them some day, doing all your best to be like them, emulating their ways right from lifestyle to their involuntary characteristic habit that subtly add up to their individual personality.
Let us know who has a purpose in life of the 3 in the comments section, don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel for more interactive blogs. Looking forward to hearing from you. We pick it up there next insha Allah?
Just a minute, how about telling me the purpose behind this piece could be before you leave. Fair enough, isnt it?
Feel free to reach out.